Knight Mares


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Season 01


‘– none selected —


C0002 | Horses

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Title of Artwork

Knight Mares

Type of Artwork

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Musical Track Name

Musical Track


Author Name

Picture of Blue DeVai

Blue DeVai

Artist Biography

Artwork Description

. . . awaiting user input . . .

Some artwork may contain a licensed image and as such is being used for illustrative purposes only in order to showcase the quality and/or level of what we are seeking to achieve thru our Live Art Streaming Events. The usernames associated with the artworks are the artists who created the images.

There are some originals in the gallery I created myself under the username BlueDeVai,  such as ‘Motormouth and the Time Travelers’ for S01 | E0002 Dolphins episode, and ‘Geneficial Arrival’ for S01:E0001 | Genesis

The PILOT 03 | ORIGINALS Episode has non AI-generated images I thought would best showcase the diversity of what we are looking for. While AI-Gen art is used for illustrative purposes on the first few episodes on our website, all styles will be welcome as we proceed.

Thank you for your patience while we continue to build, and Happy Creating!

Todd Bluewater

OGP and OGPArtcast22 Founder

Submit Artwork to this Episode!

Should you wish to submit an original work of art to this Episode just jot down the Season and Episode/Challenge above and visit our Artwork Submissions page to submit your own to be voted up against what’s already there. Make sure you follow our Artwork Guidelines. Then, spread the word and tell everyone to vote for your artwork so you have a better chance at making it to one of our Public Digital Arts Foundation displays!

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