One Gallery Place™

FREE to Browse. FREE to Join. FREE to Play.

Join our Community-Developed Digital Arts Network today and help Spread the Word about our Online and Public Installation of Digital Arts Foundations based upon the Art of Giving Back and Social Media outreach.

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Season 2 Coming Soon!

Now Booking Live Stream Participants!

Meet our 2024 Administration

All Great Ideas Start with a vision

Art is about passion, love, and a neverending story to formulate the highest degree of emotional connectivity and experiences.

Digital Art in the 21st Century

Digital art and video displays have come a long, long way since we got started. From the 7" low-resolution monitors we started with to the newest in state-of-the-art 4k UHD high-resolution displays out today, we have continued to evolve into a breathtaking foundation for the public showcasing of beautiful digital works created by artists around the globe.
Check out our artists gallery

Bluevision Multimedia Network™

One Gallery Place™ is the result of the formation and foundation of The Bluevision Multimedia Network™. Founded in 2001 in the garage of artist Todd Bluewater, it continues to evolve, elevate, and inspire the enjoyment of digital art and giving back.

Click the link below to learn more about the story and what the network has in store for the future.
Learn more about our story

Giving Back

From artist stipends, venue assistance, charitable donations and more, we have always had an eye out for giving back. Everything you see on our network has been built, designed, and created with the sole purpose of using the best in technology and artisans to give back to their communities.
See more about our visions for giving back

Abstract Captivism™

Definition of Abstract Captivism™

Abstract Captivism™ is a new artistic style defined to where mixed-media art is created upon the combination of digital artworks, the use of technology, the creation of revenue generation for artist stipends, and to create a digital modern day Robin Hood, whereas the style is not to rob from the rich to help those in need, but rather to recognize the rich and help those in need instead.

What makes One Gallery Place so special?

We're dedicated towards innovation, digital arts, and giving back to communities



2 decades of innovations

When we started digital video displays were only available with 7″ screens and at a whopping $900 each. Today, with the latest in technological advances, the very best in flat screen displays are much more affordable and allow us to bring to fruition our visions for the One Gallery Place Network.



Projects in development

Starting with Malls, Hospitals, and Courtrooms, we are seeking to take the One Gallery Place digital arts network to new locations every day.

One by one we’re dedicated to bringing the greatest success for all.



Participation for all

From artist to artist, sponsor to sponsor, and venue to venue we’ve built the very best in digital foundations for which to carry out our platform throughout participating communities. We welcome all the ability to submit, become members, and help spread the word thru social media and more while we continue to grow. 

Join the movement to create the coolest digital arts network designed to give back!